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Children believe everything adults say. We agree with them, and our faith is so strong that the belief system controls our whole dream of life.
This is human domestication. We also learn to judge.

- Miguel Ruiz

Perhaps holiness is not doing things for God, but allowing God to do things for me. More than filling oneself, it means emptying oneself.

- Marco Pozza

Meditate now on steadfastness and clarity, and let those be the wings that lift and soar through the celestial spheres.

- Rumi

In the body there is a little shrine. In that shrine is a little lotus. In that lotus is a little space. What is it that lives in that little space? The whole universe is in that little space because the creator, the source of it all, is in the heart of each one of us.

- Upanishads

Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Don't you understand that the maker of the outside also made the inside?

- Jesus

If you were to die today, what would others say about you?
Face yourself, with Jesus at your side, and do not be satisfied with just any answer.

- Mother Teresa

He who is infinitely great has given to his children ashare of his own innocence. His alone is the gentleness of loves; whose pure flame respects all things.

- Thomas Merton

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
The true thought about fellow man blesses him spiritually, mentally, and materially, and blesses you too. For, In truth, we are all one.

- Emmet Fox

“The Fish”

Like medals, with their ribbons frayed and wavering,
A five-haired beard of wisdom trailing from his aching jaw.
And I let the fish go.

- Elizabeth Bishop

Does he have a soul? Does it survive death? Is there a deeper reality than we perceive in the world around us? What effect does such knowing have in everyday life?
His real self, the Atman, never dies, for it is never born.

-Bhagavad Gita

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