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Storm the bastions of heaven until you get the quality of life Jesus offers.

- Norman Vincent Peale

           Metta … loving-kindness

May I be happy

May I be well

May I be safe

May I be at peace and at ease

- Spirit Rock

It is better to not pray at all than to pray for too much;

Nothing will be given that you won't repay.

It is better to sacrifice nothing than to offer too much.


We look but we don't see.

Some time ago a woman came to me with her child and said

“Mother, I went to several places to beg for some food, for we have not eaten for three days, But I was told that I am young and I must work if I want to eat, and no one gave me anything.”

I immediately went to get some food, but by the time I returned the baby in her arms had died of hunger.

- Mother Teresa

Anybody who is not against us is in favor of us.

- Jesus

The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to make today's consciousness serene and harmonious.

- Emmet Fox

When someone can touch what used to be a wound and it no longer hurts you, then you know you have truly forgiven.

- Miguel Ruiz

“The piercing of the heart”-

Compunction is one of the most valuable and practical concepts which the monastic tradition brings to us.

We are wounded simultaneously by two things:

- by God's love for us

- and by our own failure to respond to that love


I have to be at the same time strong and vulnerable;

strong enough to see and to feel my real state without self-deception

and to resolve that I will try to respond more fully to that generous love,

yet vulnerable enough to let my tears wash away my protective defenses

and leave me open and willing for God to work on me.

-Esther deWaal

Delusion arises from the duality of attraction and aversion;

every creature Is deluded by these from birth.

But those who have freed themselves from all wrongdoing

are firmly established in worship of me.

Their actions are pure, and they are free

from the delusion caused by the pains of opposites.

- Krishna

Sit. Stay. Heal.

The only way to ease our pain is to experience it fully.

Learn to stay.

Learn to stay with uneasiness.

Learn to stay with the tightening so that the habitual chain reaction doesn't continue to rule our lives.

And the patterns that we consider unhelpful don't keep getting stronger as the months and years go by.

-Pema Chödrön

The Weather-Cock

Said the weather-cock to the wind,

“How tedious and monotonous you are!

Can you not blow any other way but in my face?

You disturb my God-given stability.”

And the wind did not answer.

It only laughed in space.

-Kahlil Gibran

“Detatched” observer

of blossoms finds himself in time

intimate with them-

so, when they separate from the branch,

it's he who falls... deeply into grief


But Father Reason says


This now is it.


Your deepest need and desire

Is satisfied by the moment's energy

Here in your hand.


Rejoice in suffering

and trust in what you cannot see clearly.

Believe that the outcome is sweeter than the honey in your mouth.

Darling, don't give up just yet. You're almost there. You deserve it...

deserve to live in peace and experience true happiness.

That's what you were made for.

So for now, give it another go.

Every new tomorrow, give it another go.

-Soeline Bosari

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